In August 2010 the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV) disclosed the beginning of the project to generate an Environmental, Social and Governance index known as Sustainability Index (ESG) similar to that already used at the main stock exchanges of the world. This index is aimed to integrate a basket with the best positioned Mexican listed companies in terms of their environmental, social and corporate governance commitment in regards of the rest of the world.
In order to carry out the selection of the index, BMV hired the EIRIS rating company and Universidad Anahuac del Sur, so that based on their experience and methodologies of analysis they rate the issuers and delivered a recommendation to the Exchange with the names of the constituents that might be reasonable to integrate the ESG Index.
Both rating companies compare the Mexican companies against the best international practices and select those that are best positioned within 50% of a universe of at least 3,500 issuers worldwide.
In accordance with this analysis carried out on the basis of the reports for year 2009, those issuers that in the opinion of both rating companies have the best international practices in terms of Social and Environmental Responsibility and Corporate Governance have been selected.
Due to the foregoing, the Mexican Stock Exchange gives recognition to the following issuers:
Note. Issuers are listed in alphabetical order, since all of them exceed the average rating worldwide.