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Grupo Bimbo recognized as the 1st company with best Corporate Reputation in México by MERCO

The Company was also recognized for its Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance.Daniel Servitje, Chairman of the Board and CEO of Grupo Bimbo obtained second place within the business leaders with the best reputation in Mexico.
Grupo Bimbo
Grupo Bimbo
Ciudad de México

The Corporate Reputation Monitor (MERCO for its acronym in Spanish) along with the newspaper Financiero Bloomberg, unveiled for the 3rd time its annual ranking of the “100 companies with the Best Reputation in Mexico”, in which Grupo Bimbo was recognized for the third consecutive year in first place as the company with the best corporate reputation. In addition, the company was also recognized, for the second consecutive year in the first place for its Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance.

This ranking’s mission is to annually assess the reputation of companies and business leaders in Spain and different countries in Latin America and Europe, as well as their social responsibility and corporate governance. The results are obtained based on the opinion of experts who evaluate companies which include participation of: financial analysts, NGO’s representatives, economic information journalists, key opinion leaders and citizens, among others.

For MERCO, the characteristics that business leaders must have in order to determine their reputation are: strategic vision and fulfillment of objectives, business vision, international projection, team integration capacity, innovation and businesses transformation, among others. In this category, Daniel Servitje, Chairman of the Board and CEO of Grupo Bimbo, obtained second place for the second consecutive year.

Rosalío Rodríguez, VP of Sustainability of Grupo Bimbo, received the three awards in the name of the company, who was grateful for the recognitions and reassured Grupo Bimbo's commitment to continue to work in becoming a better company.

Grupo Bimbo

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