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Chocosorpresa Ricolino supports the preservation of the Lacandona rainforest

Ricolino will channel 10% of the profits generated by Chocosorpresa sales, through Reforestamos México and Na Bolom, civil organizations, to support the reserve area declared by the indigenous peoples.
The “Lacandona” rainforest
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
Reforestamos México works, from Mexico City,

towards increasing and protecting Mexico’s forestry areas

10% of the profits resulting from Chocosorpresa sales will be destined to support the biological reserve area.

Reforestamos México and Na Bolom will channel the resources.

The “Lacandona” rainforest is the forestry area with the richest biodiversity in North America. It is an important oxygen factory and supplies 30% of Mexico’s water resources.

This ecosystem is threatened by several factors: illegal settlements and felling of trees, agriculture and animal husbandry practices, fires, etc. The increasing poverty level of the indigenous communities compounds the problem; however, the “Chol”, “Tzeltzal” and “Lacandon” peoples in the region, declared a 35 thousand hectares reserve in “Sierra Cojolita”.

Motivated by its social responsibility, Ricolino will channel 10% of the profits generated by Chocosorpresa sales, through Reforestamos México and Na Bolom, civil organizations, to support the reserve area declared by the indigenous peoples.

Reforestamos México works, from Mexico City, towards increasing and protecting Mexico’s forestry areas, promoting a forestry culture and the participation of all sectors of society for everyone’s benefit.

Na Bolom operates from San Cristóbal las Casas, State of Chiapas, with the objective to preserve the cultural and environmental heritage of the “Lacandona” rainforest, together with the indigenous communities.

Both organizations will jointly work to channel the resources, contributed by Ricolino, into rainforest preservation projects involving the participation of said communities. They will promote environmental education and develop productive projects that will foster the preservation of the reserve.

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