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Promoting these healthy lifestyles is the goal of the Active and Healthy Organization Certification

The Communications Counsil and Queremos Mexicanos Activos (We Want Active Mexicans) will work to promote physical activity through the Active and Healthy Organization Certification.
Promoting these healthy lifestyles is the goal of the Active and Healthy Organization Certification
Grupo Bimbo

Mexico City, June 29, 2021.- This morning took place the signing of a collaboration agreement between the Communications Council (CC) and Queremos Mexicanos Activos (We Want Active Mexicans, or QUEMA) to bolster healthy lifestyles in companies, impacting collaborators and their families through the promotion of the Active and Healthy Organization Certification. The event was attended by Javier Gonzalez Franco, President of the QUEMA Council; Jose Carlos Azcarraga, CC President; Salvador Villalobos, CC Executive President; Viviana Fernandez, CEO of the Mexican Institute of Normalization and Certification (Instituto Mexicano de Normalización y Certificación) and Mariel Hawley, QUEMA CEO.

The certification was created by working with the Mexican Institute of Normalization and Certification, with the goal of making companies promotors of physical activity and healthy habits in order to preserve the Mexican people’s wellbeing, based on four execution pillars: physical measurement, healthy lifestyle promotion, spaces for physical activity, and promotion and organization of physical activity events.

From these pillars, QUEMA developed a model based on the recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Official Mexican Norm 035 and 030 to provide physical activities, nutritional orientation, conferences and workshops, a tracking system of the body mass index and physical condition, among others.

Javier González Franco, mentioned that the health of collaborators is a fundamental principle to consider in the company, which is why this certification will be able to satisfy the needs of all operational levels of an organization, looking to defeat the sedentary lifestyle through simple activities in the workplace and at home. He said that some of the benefits to become part of this certification go from improving the work environment, the collaborators’ engagement level, benefitting internal and external image, to reducing personnel rotation costs.

One of the current priorities of the Communications Council is promoting the social movement “The Wellbeing of Everyone is Our Enterprise”, through which the council looks to create awareness of the social dimension that companies create, as well as the way they contribute to Mexico’s social and economic wellbeing.

Regarding this point, Jose Carlos Azcarraga pointed out that, through signing this strategic partnership, both institutions will work to promote physical activity within companies. He commented that one of the fundamental pillars of “The Wellbeing of Everyone is Our Enterprise” is Personal Development, focused on promoting how businesspeople take care of their collaborators in the workspace, how they generate quality jobs, train, give benefits, create a sense of belonging, foster education and health, bolster social mobility and grant access to opportunities.

This way, they improve the quality of life and encourage healthy habits. He finally extended an invitation to all companies to join the Active and Healthy Organization Certification, and to know the benefits of implementing programs that promote a physical activity habit for the health and wellbeeing of collaborators and their families.

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