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Futbolito Bimbo 2018 comes to an end
After more than four months of intense preparation and fierce competition, Futbolito Bimbo 2018’s Grand Final took place in the Azteca Stadium, where, both men and women tournament’s champions rose.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
Start The Final Straight Of Futbolito Bimbo 2018
After concluding the 3rd stage, the 16 winning regional teams traveled to Mexico City to participate in the Camp de Futbolito Bimbo.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
Futbolito Bimbo
Esta iniciativa, que se ha convertido en una de las más importantes de Grupo Bimbo en materia de Responsabilidad Social, se llevará a cabo del 14 de abril al próximo 29 de julio y se realizará en 45 ciudades de 32 estados del país.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
Planta Ricolonico
Inaugurada en 1993, esta planta distribuye productos a todo México, Estados Unidos y Centroamérica. La producción mensual de esta operación supera las 6 mil toneladas de productos y genera más de 600 empleos directos.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
Bella Easo®
La Bella Easo® cumple este año su 50 aniversario formando parte de los desayunos de miles de familias de nuestro país.
Grupo Bimbo
Futbolito Bimbo
Established more than 50 years ago, it is one of Grupo Bimbo’s most important Social Responsibility initiatives, in which values are promoted through sport.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
Futbolito Bimbo 2017
Acciones como Futbolito Bimbo reafirman el compromiso de la empresa con la salud y el bienestar de niñas y niños mexicanos.

Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
Grupo Bimbo
Thanks to the kilometers run and walked by the participants, more than 1 million slices of bread will be donated to food banks in host cities.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
Grupo Bimbo
Grupo Bimbo, the global Mexican company, baking and food industry leader, will work together with its egg suppliers around the world to develop a cage-free birds supply chain starting in 2016 and completing the transition in 2025.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
Grupo Bimbo
Our U.S. division, Bimbo Bakeries USA, issued a voluntary recall of product in eleven states due to the possibility of glass fragments in the product, caused by a broken light bulb at one of its bakeries in that country.
Grupo Bimbo
United States
Grupo Bimbo
Its production plant was inaugurated in 1988 and today produces more than 180 products distributed in Mexico, USA and Central America.
Grupo Bimbo
Toluca, Estado de México
Grupo Bimbo
The Barcel Innovation and Nutrition Institute did it without altering the products characteristic taste.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
Grupo Bimbo
Its purpose: development of innovative, healthy and highest quality products, by means of the permanent search for new technologies that shall allow us to be at the cutting edge and to offer new and better options to our clients and consumers.
Grupo Bimbo
Toluca, Estado de México
Grupo Bimbo
Today, more than 1000 direct jobs are generated for people in the production, marketing and services areas
Grupo Bimbo
Grupo Bimbo
Bimbo Toluca a local history of overall success and of respect for the environment.
Grupo Bimbo
Toluca, Estado de México
Grupo Bimbo
Gansito Marinela resultó una agradable sorpresa para los niños mexicanos que siempre lo han encontrado disponible en sus tiendas favoritas.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
Grupo Bimbo
Using the experience and capabilities of Grupo Bimbo and Grupo Lala as an advantage, these two industry leaders launch a new, nutritional product to the market.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
Grupo Bimbo
Grupo Bimbo reaffirms its commitment with health through six major actions that take Bimbo one step ahead along the path it set out on, several decades ago.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
Grupo Bimbo
The objective is to promote the benefits and consumption of sandwiches among the population.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City